Video Indexer

Easily extract insights from your videos

a laptop displaying video
Now that sounds like it's straight out of a sci-fi flick.
Karissa Bell

About Video Indexer

Video indexer builds upon media AI technologies to make it easier to extract insights from videos. Power new forms of content discovery such as searching for spoken words, faces, characters, and emotions. Enrich your apps with embedded video insights to drive user engagement. Video Indexer enables you to extract visual and speech metadata from your videos, which can be used to build enhanced search experiences in your existing apps and make your content more discoverable. Metadata extracted can be used to build powerful engagement experiences with recommendations, highlight clips and interactive videos.

Key features include: audio transcript, face detection and identification, map and understand who spoke when, visual text recognition, separate background noise and voice activity, scene detection, sentiment analysis, translation of source audio into language of your choice, content moderation, key words extraction, and key frame extraction.


It all started with a big bold idea and an abundance of imagination. And this small team of five made magic by adding their technical chops and cutting edge advances in artificial intelligence and cognitive services.

The Video Indexer team are with the Microsoft Israel Development Center Incubations team, home for early stage engineering teams targeting the future bets of Microsoft.

The team launched Video Breakdown through the Garage as an experimental product, and spent the next year tuning it, adding features, adapting as new breakthrough tech was introduced, and learning from customers along the way.

At the Microsoft Build 2017 event, Video Breakdown was officially launched as Video Indexer, an Azure Media Service.

Azure Media Services gives you broadcast-quality video streaming services to reach larger audiences on today’s most popular mobile devices. Media Services enhances accessibility, distribution, and scalability, and makes it easy and cost-effective to stream content to your local and worldwide audiences


Video Indexer team

Eran Gat, Ohad Jassin, Avner Levi, Oron Nir, Ori Ziv

See it here